Monday, April 14, 2008

This Space Intentionally Left Blank

Welcome. This blog was to have begun ten months ago but I took the route to jump in over my head and attempt to generate a blog from scratch. Rather than take advantage of existing tools and simply get to work before inspiration and enthusiasm waned . . . etc, etc.

So, those who stick around or are morbidly curious and return from time to time will likely find the aforementioned scenario a recurrent theme. I will set out to re-invent the wheel and I will get side-tracked by sexier or more complicated wheels and then the wheels will ultimately fall off. However, I will categorically deny any personal involvement or knowledge of events of or pertaining to anything resembling a . . . what was that . . . a w-h-e-e-l, did you call it . . ? And, I will have moved on to my next unfinished (but glorious) vision. Those escapades as well as this blog are all to serve the same purpose as everything else in my life: my amusement.

To be fair, this anticipated generation of random chaos is to exercise me of my own thoughts by indiscriminately broadcasting them to humanity. That it is entirely possible so doing will inflict harm on others is something I will endure and accept (philosophically; not legally). I have to listen to my own thoughts without any leniency or mercy. If you visit this site then it is obviously self-hatred and not my fault.

This blog will be a reservoir for anything I find amusing, provocative, disturbing, absurd or intolerable. Obviously - Women, will be the primary topic.

There will be occasion for many to argue I am a misogynist - irreparably damaged and now lashing out in my pain and inner turmoil. I adore women. Any (well, most) conflicts involving matters of the heart have my own fingerprints in evidence, too, but I am not one to roll over and take it. Fortunately I am not experiencing anywhere near the pain I suffered ten months ago when I looked for relief through creating this as a means of therapy. There will be moments where some of what I experienced then will ooze out, I'm sure. There will be less uttered through grit teeth at this juncture.

Which brings us to the other side of the coin. I will not be endeavoring to sell T-shirts. This site might eventually become hated or popular enough to support such a diabolical marketing ploy but I selected the T-shirt theme for much more of its pop culture influence. It is one of those social commentary "catches" for me - like gum stuck to my shoe - that we cannot or dare not speak openly to another human being but we will print anything we want on a bumper sticker or T-shirt. So, I am going to express myself (not that I am ever reserved in doing so) but in a forum where I expect you and WANT you to react and THINK and respond. Not too many of us challenge what confronts us when a car rolls past or a T-shirt crosses the street. I seek to give you that opportunity.

My former brother-in-law and also one of my through thick-and-thin friends both urged me to create a journal or some other means to get everything in my head out in some rational format. This blog will be that medium. But I am tired of only having myself with which to share ideas and I need the stimuli of those willing to take up the gauntlet. Especially if you disagree with me. Please.

So you can have a sense of who you're reading: I am a mid-forties man that is looking to refine rather than re-define myself. I didn't have the luxury of a mid-life crisis as everything I ever wanted is gone. I was part wronged-party and part idiot. I do not believe I will seek out another relationship other than cerebral affairs with women. I am roughly five years divorced. The lovely and talented former wife wants no contact with me that presents me any hope of a second chance. My firm belief in the sanctity of marriage means that I must accept I am now a "lifer" as a single man. With her went our children and my only plans for the future. I am starting over in my career and my social contacts and I do all of this of necessity and not of choice or with much enthusiasm. I am not looking to be whiny or pathetic. (But, Hey. Some people just have "it," you know?) This blog is a means to discover if there is anything remaining wherefore I might look forward. This Space Is Intentionally (but, optimistically) Left Blank.


Randy S. Power said...

Yeah but the space is no longer blank. And elsewhere in the Land of Obvious, you're wrong.

That is all.

Not really. I find this an interesting start to what may become a very effective outlet. In fact, as I read these comments, I found them amusing at times when a close friend's similar comments would be very disturbing. The filter through which online comments are processed is much different than the filter that handles in-person words. I take face-to-face words far more seriously. The same sentiments penned online are amusing, entertaining and healthful to me.

I am sure that other media of the written word might have somewhat similar expressive tone, but an online blog, with its public nature and currency, can result in a discreetly different interpretation.

Is it the same as a bumper sticker or t-shirt? We will see in time. One thing it affords is an unpredictability factor. You know not when you will see the next good one.

By the way, cool name, addhole.

ADDhole said...

With such friends . . . how can I go wrong? let me count the ways . . .

You've never taken me seriously, anyway, so I am challenged to find empathy if my spoken words offend your sensibilities.

I'm glad you liked the name you coined for me as much as I do. Thx.

Wendy said...

I'm hoping that you also have comment notification enabled.

Happily, I get to poke around in your head now! I feel it may take me a bit to work through it and then quite a bit longer to work my way back out to intelligible speech.

ADDhole said...

Welcome to Psych 101, Evi.

I look forward to your rummaging around. I would like to believe that the labyrinth of my soul is mostly transparent so you shouldn't get too lost.

Think, Dr. Gregory House, and you'll pretty much know what you're going to bump into.

The place hasn't seen a woman's touch in quite a while. Pardon my dust.