In the several weeks which have passed between posts I have been pleasantly surprised that concerned lurkers of my blog have written to me to inquire as to my well being. It now occurs to me that perhaps they sense danger or other need for caution which I have not picked up on while completely absorbed in a forum I practically have built my life around.
The fascination has been easily attributed to the excitement of some real social interaction despite no face-to-face or even voice-to-voice conversation. That was of little practical concern because the stimulating part has been the real-time give and take of the dialog. And . . . the random number of simultaneous conversations and posts makes for a very engaging atmosphere. Each participant is there to escape. For most the escape is from the monotony or avoidance of work. For others it is to reach out beyond loneliness, frustration, or isolation. Some simply enjoy being entertained. All are fine reasons and it really has become an addictive behavior for so many of the members. Unfortunately for me it has been an escape from reality.
If you are familiar with the concept of finger cuffs you will follow my analogy easily. My life has been continuing to become ever more constricted and the more I struggle and fight to free myself from the restraints the tighter and more desperate I have become. On the few occasions where from exhaustion or simply pausing to reevaluate and assess my lot I have simply yielded or stopped struggling all together the “hold” on my ambitions has relaxed. Likewise, the more I try to distance myself from my constraints the tighter they have become; while, if I face and draw nearer to the center of my entanglements the strictures slacken. I have realized this in every aspect of my life save one. The only area where I am still too wounded or conflicted and just have no resolution for the “what and the why” is the notion of dating, again. That’s where my escape through the forum I’m obsessed with has finally become apparent.
I have made the acquaintance of several women through this blog and an argument over a television show and through participation in the forum to which I will only elude. The first of these women reads my mind through the vaguest of comments, decrypts my veiled and cloaked thoughts, and puts them on display to me in her very next response. I am no longer going to bother “hiding” anything from her as it is simply impossible. She is also very much like me in her values and judgments and gives me no quarter for denial but somehow allows me more freedom than I permit myself. She has been encouraging me to find a real, in the flesh, tangible woman somewhere in close proximity to my own back yard. Another is always wondering why I am so willing to tell her nearly anything which comes into my mind and is always poorly arguing that I have misjudged her and given her more heart and soul than she possesses. She is wrong about this – and probably the only thing that she has ever actually been wrong about. Intellectually, she not only challenges me but would likely crush me. A third reminds me of when I felt alive and her vibrancy is refreshing. She has a host of interests and ventures underway that are the stuff I have always dreamed I would find in a woman to share my days with. I am not one to look for things I have in common and with her I do not have to as it seems to be an endless list already exists. She fills my longing to be with Audrey Hepburn. I’d always imagined sitting across a small breakfast table with a woman just like this for as long as I can remember. Then there are a host of vulnerable and sensitive and innocent ones that worry about my health and happiness and fawn all over me. It has been far too long since I have experienced any of that. And, there is even a contingent that is concerned about my body and more importantly its relation to their own. One, in particular has given her unconditional affirmation, affection and acceptance to me. That it has been in intent and not actually is of no consequence. In point of fact, it has made it all the more wonderful.
So what is the problem and where is the escape? I have reversed the story of Frankenstein and made a bride from the composite elements of about a dozen women. Assembled from the minds, and hearts, and souls, and appearance of all of these women is my collective virtual dream girl. They reach out to me and tease, and flirt, and nurture, and scold, and do all the attention feeding things I am so hungry to experience without any of the pain of day to day conflicts, misunderstandings, or responsibilities, or obligations. They are “on demand.” At the click of a button I have them to cherish and when I shift focus or interest I can click another button and they’re gone. This is not healthy.
Now, I am by no means insincere or disingenuous with any of them. I love these women (platonically) and cherish each and every one of them individually. But, my God I am such an attention whore that I need all of them and more. It is really a tiring addiction.
The things which I speak to them about and the flattery and encouragement I try to give them is without any ulterior motives and I am concerned for and about them all. I really try to give them honest praise and bolster their confidence and self-esteem. We are all involved in a dance of wanting to trust and be appreciated by the opposite sex. The problem for me is I am not prepared for when the music stops. I am not going to make the transition smoothly from virtual to real. So, when the band takes a break or everyone else goes home then you may be sure I will be found here more regularly - and although I would hope to be wrong about this – worse off than I was before.
Am I a misunderstood monster of misfit pieces and better off having been left dead rather than revived? My remains are yet to be seen.
I think you should worry about the focus you lose when you focus on a load of untouchable women. I don't believe it means you're better off dead or anything of the sort. That's a wimp-out right there on dealing with something that's really not all that uncommon (though you'd hate the thought of commonality.) You have no balance right now. The forum and it's squishy-bits gaggle isn't bad in moderation but letting it encompass everything, as you point out, is very unhealthy.
I'm sorry. Were you making a point in there someplace? It wasn't exactly clear . . . I am not interested in being all dead - only in spots. If I were emotionally lobotomized I think that would be great.
I had an enjoyable life the first time (for not being asked if I wanted one, for that matter) Doing it all again seems futile. Please put me back in the box and close the lid. You're letting the flies out . . .
*sigh* I read your last sentence the first time without seeing the word 'left'.
I don't have the dual energy for this today.
I understand what you mean about having enjoyed life before and not seeing the point in giving it a second go. However, it has brought to mind a rather cheesy poster I saw today while tutouring a bunch of first-year students who had less life in them than a pile of bricks. The poster said something along the lines of, 'The most fatal decision you can make is not to make one at all'. Similarly, simply giving up and not trying is probably more damaging than trying and not making it as far as you did once upon a time.
Now, never having truely had a romantic relationship of my own (I think I may be emotionally crippled, but we'll save that for another day :D )I cannot claim to understand what you have been through, but empathy guides me. Her guidance tells me that you may not realise this, and you may not click until it's too late, but you really do want to give things another try. And, not just as an 'attention whore', but going at a one-on-one personal relationship with another woman.
I'd suggest giving it a go, taking baby steps. Find a friend in your area. Get into a stable relationship. Once that's mastered, move one to another person, with romance in mind.
I should write a newspaper column, methinks...Look at just how much relationship crap I managed to regurgitate!
Part of the complexity of being me is that I anticipate the likely scenarios in which I will disappoint someone and sacrifice my own happiness to try and avoid the misfortune for others. In this situation, Luke and Wendy, I already anticipate that real women in real dating situations will result in me exercising my remaining demons and I will walk away from the experience better but leave those women worse for the ordeal. That is not conscionable for me and I don't like thinking how many women will fall into something resembling "disposable" or victims of "friendly fire" before I am balanced - as you put it, Wendy, and in a stable relationship as you suggest, Luke.
I feel a ramble coming on...
I hate to revert to Bones here but do you remember the conversation with Brennan and Angela where Brennan admits she postulates all the ways the relationship will fail and Angela reminds her what that's costing her?
You're not God. You're not omnipotent nor omniscient. What you see is not necessarily what would happen. It's one of an infinite number of possibilities. You're losing out on so much because you're so sure that you're right. I'm fully confident in your ability to be wrong.
Not every person who was part of a relationship that soured is doomed to infinite pain. Things do turn around. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. Really crappy things have happened in your life. But sitting back and doing nothing is the only guaranteed way of not correcting the path.
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